I’ve been a blogger, well ever since I’ve been in college, so that’s about 5 years now. “100 things about me” seems to be a popular thing among blogspot bloggers, and well since I’ve joined the blogspot bandwagon it seems only right that I do what the blogspot bloggers do. After reading you might find that I’m a pretty boring person, and you would be right. Hopefully, for those that don’t know me quite so well, you’ll have a little better insight into what makes me me. Plus this is an easy way to get back in the groove of blogging.
100. I’m a Georgia Southern student.
99. English major with and a minor in Irish studies.
98. I stink at writing and grammar, but I do try.
97. I believe that anyone who can speak can write, no matter how badly. So, I guess there is hope for me.
96. I earned my associates degree from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.
95. My first major was Agricultural Education. I wanted to teach Horticulture on the High School level.
94. From age 15 until I graduated High School I worked at The Greenhouse Nursery and Landscape Design.
93. Before that I worked with my Dad on his landscaping crew. I can spread pine straw with the best of them.
While at ABAC I took Animal Practicum where I learned:
92. How to collect semen from: a bull and a boar
91. How to castrate a bull.
90. How to brand cows.
89. How to tag cows, and I can give them shots correctly.
88. Check to see if a cow is pregnant.
Disclaimer: I did all of these procedures in the classroom setting with an instructor present, and I haven’t done any of these things since.
87. I love plants.
86. My apartment is full of them.
85. I can’t wait to have my own yard so that I can landscape it.
84. I love reading, I have since I was a child. My favorite thing was to escape into a book. My sister and I spent many summers checking out books at the Library and then devouring them at home. There is nothing better then wiling away the summer in a good book.
82. It should be no surprise that I want to get my master degree in Library Science.
81. I have 4 more classes remaining at Georgia Southern University.
80. Spanish is one of those classes
79. I have a fraternal twin sister.
78. Yes, that means that we do not look alike.
77. She is tall with dirty blond hair.
76. Our eyes are both blue, but different shades of blue.
75. We do have the same smile, or so I’ve been told.
74. We had an older brother who was killed in a car accident.
73. My sister’s name is Rebecca
72. She has traveled all over the world. Mexico was her latest trip.
71. I’ve been to Wisconsin and that was for one bad trip that lasted one day.
70. I went traveled to Wisconsin to see Phish, but never made it to the show.
69. Wisconsin is the farthest I’ve ever been from home.
68. Currently, I am trying to read The Stand. It isn’t going so well and I may give up soon.
67. My all time Favorite band is, by far, Fleetwood Mac.
66. Stevie Nicks is my all time favorite singer/poet.
65. My favorite Stevie Nick’s song is If you ever did Believe. This song can be found on the Practical Magic soundtrack.
64. I love Nancy Grace. (You might know her from Larry King Live, and she now has her own show on Court TV. Grace is a lawyer from Atlanta, she is outspoken and I like it.)
63. I read Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol every year at Christmas time.
62. My favorite character is Tiny Tim.
61. My favorite John Wayne movie is McLintock.
60. My favorite movie is Bridget Jones’ Diary.
59. Sometimes I feel like I have Bridget Jones’ public speaking skills; in other words verbal vomit.
Things that I love:
58. snugglizing with my boyfriend
57. Fireflies because they look like fire works in the woods. Much better then in a jar!
56. Movies that transport me to a magical land.
55. My sister
54. My Mama
53. My Daddy
52. Going home after being away for a long, long time.
51. My parent’s drive way is ½ mile long.
50. My sister and my Dad totaled their cars in that very same drive.
49. I can be reclusive at times.
48. I love escaping into a good novel.
47. I’m guilty of reading romance novels. (I apologize to my English major friends)
46. I’m guilty of watching CMT and I actually like country music. I can’t help it, it’s part of my roots. I grew up on it.
45. I saw the Dukes of Hazard in the theater.
44. I make homemade cards. (Alison, if you e-mail me your new address I’ll mail you a homemade house-warming card.)
43. I had a horse named Lucky growing up.
42. Lucky bit my sister on the knee while she was on her horse Sugar.
41. My favorite football player is Peyton Manning.
40. A.P. is right up there with Manning.
39. Sometimes I cry for no reason.
38. My favorite food is pickle and chip sandwiches.
37. I’m addicted to chap stick. Any kind will do for me. It’s in my genes everyone in my family carries a stick in their pocket. My Maw-Maw (my great grandmother) kept at least 3 tubes next to her bed at all times.
36. I’m afraid of the middle-age bulge.
35. I’m afraid of losing my dreams.
34. I want to travel to Ireland.
33. My boyfriend is 33 years old.
32. I want him to go to Ireland with me. I want to share my dreams with him.
31. I’m a hippie at heart.
30. I donated my hair to Locks of Love.
29. I wear glasses.
28. I love fresh chocolate chip cookies.
27. I enjoy smoking. There is something so nice about just being able to go outside and sitting on the porch and smoking a cigarette. Unhealthy yes.
26. My first love is now married with a kid on the way.
25. My parents have been married for 25 years.
24. I have to workout and watch what I eat to fight the fat gene.
23. My birthday is April 7th
22. I’m 22 years old.
21. So if you were doing the math that means that I’m currently 11 years younger then my boyfriend.
20. One day I will quit the cancer stick for good.
19. I love dancing in my room all alone.
18. My current boyfriend is the only boyfriend I have ever farted in front of. That’s true love!
17. My Favorite TV shows are: The Golden Girls, Murder, She Wrote, Matlock, Gilmore Girls and Smallville.
16. Scott just reminded me that I know how to Arc weld. This was an ABAC class.
15. I would defiantly need a refresher course on the welding, but I’m pretty sure that it would come back pretty quickly. I was just as good, if not better then some of the boys in my class.
14. My roommate and I made picture frames in welding class.
13. I love walking around naked.
12. Underwear is my favorite thing to buy. I love pretty panties.
11. I love family dinners. That’s one thing that I’ve missed in college.
10. I love the way paper whites smell.
9. Tulips and Zinnias are my favorite flower.
8. I stink at spelling
7. I love spell check
6. When I’m mad or upset with someone I find it hard to look him or her in the eye.
5. I think a person’s soul is reflected in their eyes.
4. I laugh really loud.
3. I’m a Christian.
2. I went horseback riding today! It rocked! I haven’t felt this happy in a long time.
1. Most importantly I’m happy with the person that I’ve become, with the choices that I’ve made thus far, and with the life that is mine!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005

I know, I know I haven’t been posting regularly and according to Liquid Courage I have no excuse. School has been out for a while now. But I do have a few good excuses: 1. My sister is

My reading list (so far):
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Stand by Stephen King (Scott and my sister love this book so It’s now on my list)
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (I read this every Christmas. It’s become my tradition)
A few Spanish cuss words I’ve picked up from Becca:
no pinches mames
El pinche raton
Se chinga tu madre
Friday, December 02, 2005
My List Revisited
I decided that if Scott could revisit his so could I. And yes I know that he was only able to revisit his list because it was near his birthday. Isn’t the rule you can change your list on your Birthday and on New Years? But because I have yet to complete my list, the rules don’t apply to me.
Scott recently bought a slew of DVDs which at first, I have to admit, I turned my nose up at. Why would I want TV on DVD? But then I realized the benefits to TV on DVD. You can watch episodes anytime, when ever it’s convenient for you and you can start from the very first episode. Plus there are no commercials! What more could you ask for?
We started off with “The West Wing”. Watching “The West Wing” has sentimental value for me because my grandmother, also known as Nanny, used to watch this show all the time. It does seem odd watching my dead grandmother’s favorite show, but now I understand her fascination with the show. It’s kinda like listening to a song that reminds you of someone special. There isn’t anything odd or creepy about that. “The West Wing” simply reminds me of my Nanny and I like that.
This brings me to the DVD that inspired my last and final celebrity pick: “Smallville”. The WB has done it again, no wonder their ratings are up. “Smallville” is awesome and on the 5th season, I believe, it could be the 6th. “Smallville” provides the back story on Superman. The WB’s interpretation of the Superman mythology has Clark Kent leaning how to control his powers and Lex Luther is actually a nice guy, at least in the first season. Not only is Lex Luther a good guy but he is freaking HOT!
Which brings me to my last and final pick: Michael Rosenbaum!

Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luther is about 90% of why I like “Smallville.” What more could a girl ask for? Lex Luther is Hot! He’s Sexy! He’s Wealthy! And he’s the biggest BADASS in town! And in Scott’s favor he’s bald.
My List is complete!
Scott recently bought a slew of DVDs which at first, I have to admit, I turned my nose up at. Why would I want TV on DVD? But then I realized the benefits to TV on DVD. You can watch episodes anytime, when ever it’s convenient for you and you can start from the very first episode. Plus there are no commercials! What more could you ask for?
We started off with “The West Wing”. Watching “The West Wing” has sentimental value for me because my grandmother, also known as Nanny, used to watch this show all the time. It does seem odd watching my dead grandmother’s favorite show, but now I understand her fascination with the show. It’s kinda like listening to a song that reminds you of someone special. There isn’t anything odd or creepy about that. “The West Wing” simply reminds me of my Nanny and I like that.
This brings me to the DVD that inspired my last and final celebrity pick: “Smallville”. The WB has done it again, no wonder their ratings are up. “Smallville” is awesome and on the 5th season, I believe, it could be the 6th. “Smallville” provides the back story on Superman. The WB’s interpretation of the Superman mythology has Clark Kent leaning how to control his powers and Lex Luther is actually a nice guy, at least in the first season. Not only is Lex Luther a good guy but he is freaking HOT!
Which brings me to my last and final pick: Michael Rosenbaum!

Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luther is about 90% of why I like “Smallville.” What more could a girl ask for? Lex Luther is Hot! He’s Sexy! He’s Wealthy! And he’s the biggest BADASS in town! And in Scott’s favor he’s bald.
My List is complete!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Scott found this amazing music magazine, Paste, which I promptly stole from him. I did ask first, so technically I’m not a thief. I believe that he is planning on writing about it on his blog, but he is taking way to long so I’m writing about it myself.
Paste Magazine is an independent music magazine. It is produced bi-monthly and features musicians, reviews music (of course), along with films and books. It’s classy, it’s cool, the writing is amazing and this month Paste is featuring one of my favorite artists, Fiona Apple.
Unlike many of you old fogies, Fiona Apple got me through my adolescent years. When the music video
for “Criminal” came out I was memorized. I was awe struck by Apple’s ability to create such emotional intensity. At that point in my life Stevie Nicks was a huge influence, but because she was older, I felt that age created her mystique. Apple taught me that depth can be found in the young, that I, too, had the right to feel.
Paste also comes with a free CD and DVD. The CD Scott has, so I haven’t had the opportunity to check it out, but I really enjoyed the DVD. It features short films; one of my favorites was Dear Sweet Emma, and music videos.
I’m sleepy and it’s time for bed so go check out Scott’s new find for your self.
Paste Magazine is an independent music magazine. It is produced bi-monthly and features musicians, reviews music (of course), along with films and books. It’s classy, it’s cool, the writing is amazing and this month Paste is featuring one of my favorite artists, Fiona Apple.
Unlike many of you old fogies, Fiona Apple got me through my adolescent years. When the music video

Paste also comes with a free CD and DVD. The CD Scott has, so I haven’t had the opportunity to check it out, but I really enjoyed the DVD. It features short films; one of my favorites was Dear Sweet Emma, and music videos.
I’m sleepy and it’s time for bed so go check out Scott’s new find for your self.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Is it summer
Is it summer?
At this time of year most people spend nights huddled in their beds trying to keep as much heat in as possible. I, however, have my one window open, I’m sleeping in as little as possible and I’ve still woken up sweating and miserable. Tomorrow night I plan on putting the box fan back in the window. Thank You roommates!
My roommate is from Zimbabwe and has not seen her mother in 5 years. Her mother has recently arrived for graduation and the Holidays, and being an older lady she requires more heat. This is why our apartment temperature is roughly 85 degrees. At least this is what it was when I went to bed tonight.
I love my parents. I really like Pippa’s mom. I just wish when parents came to visit they didn’t disrupt your entire life. I hate sweating in the summer. I hate it even more in the fall/winter. And I really hate it when I have a cold and heat makes breathing more of a task than it already is.
Parents, I love ya but next time rent a hotel!
At this time of year most people spend nights huddled in their beds trying to keep as much heat in as possible. I, however, have my one window open, I’m sleeping in as little as possible and I’ve still woken up sweating and miserable. Tomorrow night I plan on putting the box fan back in the window. Thank You roommates!
My roommate is from Zimbabwe and has not seen her mother in 5 years. Her mother has recently arrived for graduation and the Holidays, and being an older lady she requires more heat. This is why our apartment temperature is roughly 85 degrees. At least this is what it was when I went to bed tonight.
I love my parents. I really like Pippa’s mom. I just wish when parents came to visit they didn’t disrupt your entire life. I hate sweating in the summer. I hate it even more in the fall/winter. And I really hate it when I have a cold and heat makes breathing more of a task than it already is.
Parents, I love ya but next time rent a hotel!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Happy Late Thanksgiving!

Today is Monday and the first time I’ve touched a computer since last Tuesday. I decided school was out and Thanksgiving was a good excuse to just avoid the world and enjoy my family. I was able to dedicate one day to each parent. It was super nice. Unfortunately, my sister is still in Mexico so the phone ended up being my only connection to her and on one of our chats we were both so incredible sleepy that we just gave up. Turkey does that to you.
While avoiding the world minus Scott, he is always included, I read a great book: This Boy’s Life: A Memoir by Tobias Wolff. Lately I’ve found myself drawn to reading memoirs. There is something powerful in knowing that what you’re reading, although in story form, is someone’s life. Tobias Wolff tells a tale that has readers grabbing a pen to underline life-changing passages that remind us of our lives. At least that’s what I did.
We travel along with a young Toby Wolff as he travels across the country with his mother, escaping one stepfather after another. With every move Wolff searches for his identity, even changing his name to create his own personality. Readers watch a boy who tries desperately to make the world see him for what he is. Not just a wild, outrageous rough and tumble boy with an attitude, but a boy with potential and possibility. Wolff’s story of growing up in the 50’s becomes a tale that spans all generations.
Knowing that everything comes to an end is a gift of experience, a consolation gift for knowing that we ourselves are coming to an end. Before we get it we live in a continuous present, and imagine the future as more of that present. Happiness is endless happiness, innocent of its own sure passing. Pain is endless pain.
As a reader I soaked this passage in, reading and re-reading these words, relating them to my life. Wolff was able to draw meaning out of his life and put it into words that express what all people must learn. Even as I sit here thinking about this book and this passage, I realize that I still have yet to comprehend what Wolff is saying. To live is to experience and that’s what Wolff as taught me.
A lot of Wolff’s travels I couldn’t relate to, but I immediately thought of Scott and of all the times he has had to move and make new friends. Wolff just seems to know the kids that were destined to be his friends. This makes me wonder if people truly know, instinctively, the path that is supposed to be theirs, the people that are supposed to be in their lives. Maybe, maybe not.
Final Rating: Five Stars--- A great read that causes great thought while being very entertained. Wolff is a master at storytelling, even when it’s his own life.
Friday, October 21, 2005
The writing dilemma.
I love songs and I love music. What I don’t truly get is poetry. I think this is a great flaw that I have which doesn’t make any sense because songs are in essence poems. What songs have that words on paper lack is the author’s voice inflection. Singers have the ability to control pitch and tone. This clues the listener into what is important.
I’ve wanted to write about Stevie Nick’s song “Nightbird” for a while now, but I got bogged down on the words. I looked up the lyrics online, and when I actually saw the words in writing, I felt like I lost the true spirit of the song. I lost the atmosphere that the song created for me. Now I have a new plan. I’m going to go back to the song and just listen to it and write about how Stevie’s music affects me, and why I make her music apart of my life.
I’ve wanted to write about Stevie Nick’s song “Nightbird” for a while now, but I got bogged down on the words. I looked up the lyrics online, and when I actually saw the words in writing, I felt like I lost the true spirit of the song. I lost the atmosphere that the song created for me. Now I have a new plan. I’m going to go back to the song and just listen to it and write about how Stevie’s music affects me, and why I make her music apart of my life.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Weekend Update
1.Scott and I saw Elizabethtown. I’m sure that Scott will be writing a review of the movie soon, so I’ll let you check that out on his blog. I will say that I was super excited that a Fleetwood Mac song was included. The producer was, after all, Cameron Crowe.
2. Saturday I ran in the Hoofin’ for Habitat race. I had a really great time. My first race. I was runner number 110. I am very proud of myself; I completed the race and am enthused about doing another. I did learn a few things.
A)Eating breakfast is a must. Energy is a good thing.
B)5k doesn’t mean 5 miles. I’m not up on the metric system,but I soon figured it out.
C)Everyone there was super supportive, good people who care about being healthy.
3. Scott went to the seafood festival, which he and a fellow coworker and our friend worked. We had a good time, ate some good seafood, checked out the redneck Savannah folks.
4. Sunday my good buddy Crystal caned down and we went to the Widespread Panic concert. It was a great show; I danced my butt of, doing what Scott refers to as the hippie, widespread fly swatting groove. I’m sure he will correct me if my terminology is wrong, but you get the idea. And that, my friends, was my weekend. Now I’m doing school groove.
I know I said I was planning on doing a weekly Fleetwood Mac blog, and even when Derek sarcastically said “Good luck with that” I still thought I could do it. Turns out it happens to be a bit more work than I had expected. And, although, I still want to do it I think it may have to wait until school and life isn’t quite so hectic. I’ll be just as surprised as you are if I manage to post something soon.
2. Saturday I ran in the Hoofin’ for Habitat race. I had a really great time. My first race. I was runner number 110. I am very proud of myself; I completed the race and am enthused about doing another. I did learn a few things.
A)Eating breakfast is a must. Energy is a good thing.
B)5k doesn’t mean 5 miles. I’m not up on the metric system,but I soon figured it out.
C)Everyone there was super supportive, good people who care about being healthy.
3. Scott went to the seafood festival, which he and a fellow coworker and our friend worked. We had a good time, ate some good seafood, checked out the redneck Savannah folks.
4. Sunday my good buddy Crystal caned down and we went to the Widespread Panic concert. It was a great show; I danced my butt of, doing what Scott refers to as the hippie, widespread fly swatting groove. I’m sure he will correct me if my terminology is wrong, but you get the idea. And that, my friends, was my weekend. Now I’m doing school groove.
I know I said I was planning on doing a weekly Fleetwood Mac blog, and even when Derek sarcastically said “Good luck with that” I still thought I could do it. Turns out it happens to be a bit more work than I had expected. And, although, I still want to do it I think it may have to wait until school and life isn’t quite so hectic. I’ll be just as surprised as you are if I manage to post something soon.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I dont know
When you have a question you can’t answer. I have the perfect answer. I don’t know. I’ve figured out the secret to everything. Having to make all of these life decisions is stressing me out. So, I’ve made a decision to not make any decisions. Good Plan Now I can concentrate on the here and now without worrying about what I’m going to do next May. Good Plan.
Ok, so maybe this is too much of a Bridget Jones’ solution, but it really is the best I’ve got for right now.
On to another question: Are towns really like “The Gilmore Girls’” Stars Hollow? I seem to have found my way to Statesboro, Georgia and I think I could live here if things were as cute and quaint as Stars Hollow. Unfortunately, Statesboro has all of the small town gossip, usual small town job opportunities and Wal-mart. Don’t get me wrong Statesboro is really growing on me, but wouldn’t it be cute to be able to walk around Statesboro like Lorelai and Rory walk around Stars Hollow. Okay, soo it’s just a thought, but it would be really fun. I want the nice clothes and perfect hair too. Owning a successful Inn would top things off.
That random thought just brought me to another. Tonight’s episode of “Gilmore Girls” had me totally relating to Rory. When last season ended Rory was told that her dreams would never come true, she would never be a successful journalist. What does Rory do? She runs away. Instead of standing up and fighting for her dreams and goals, she decides to quit Yale and move in with her Grandparents. As a dedicated fan of Gilmore Girls and Rory, I’ve been really pissed off with Rory’s lack of strength. Tonight I totally supported Rory’s escape from realty. Shouldn’t people, even extremely motivated and goal orientated people be allowed to take breaks.
Basically, what all of this rambling comes down to is me trying to wrap my brain around what to do about the future, and how that decision should effect the present. (question: does anyone else analyze the words effect and affect every single time you use them. It’s so annoying. It’s like then and than. You swear you know when to use the correct word, but you end up going back and second guessing yourself.) Less rambling and more interesting post planned for tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Things that make life better.
I recently heard two sisters discussing the traits that they have unknowingly taken on from their mother. This led to an analysis of the traits that I have from my mother. Of course these are traits that I swore I would never ever have. One I am indulging in at this very moment: Coffee, one cup of coffee with creamer. My coffee even looks just like my mother’s. As a child I hated coffee, it never appealed to me. I wasn’t like my mother, who apparently started drinking coffee as soon as she could say “I want some.” Being the first grandchild her grandmother, my Maw-Maw, indulged her. That’s not such a bad trait or habit really. Coffee is a good social stimulant.
Looking back at my mother’s life, I realized following in her foot steps isn’t such a bad thing. I just want to tweak things to fit me. I would like to learn from the life that she chose to lead.
She was a kick ass mother. She always provided for us and had enough love for everyone. That’s certainly a trait that I want. I want my future child to know how much I love it. I want to make Christmas and Birthdays and all holidays super special, just like she did.
I wouldn’t mind being a great cook. Knowing that people associate your dressing, or apple cake with Thanksgiving and Christmas would rock. I want to be able to cook from the recipes that she cooks from. Knowing that these are recipes that she got from her grandmother, and they are still serving our family. There is something so special about cooking bisquits that turn out just like my mother’s. It always reminds me of home and of the love that I felt there. Food, in that way is so very comforting.
I hope one day to have a garden just as beautiful as hers. Just to be half the gardener she is would thrill me to no end. To know that I inherited her green thumb and to know that a part of her is in me is just an awesome feeling.
These days when I’ve been down and out and just feel like I can’t do much of anything right, I look back at my mother. She raised three children, one of which she has already lost, and still she moves forward. She’s the glue that keeps my family together. In not so many words, she taught me that when things get tough you just keep moving forward. It’s how she has lived her life and how I must live mine. These days when I just want to climb in bed and have a good cry and then curl up with a good book, just avoid life really. I look back at my mother and realize, if for no other reason, I have to move forward so that I don’t let her down.
Hopefully, I haven’t been too sentimental for you, the reader. If nothing else just know that I feel WAY better. Hey, this is coming from the girl who has watched “Gilmore Girls” all though college.

For those of you who don’t know-- autumn is my all-time favorite season. To jump start the season, Desdemona (Scott’s dog) and I carved Mister Pumpkin-head on Sunday. It went like this: I did all of the carving and the cleaning up, while Dez curiously looked on, and attempted to steal pumpkin seeds. She is half beagle and eats anything and everything. Even 4 raw pork chops left unattended on the kitchen counter. We love our dog.
Because I love autumn, I’ve decided to do my best to find a Fleetwood Mac song to support the season. This has turned into a huge Fleetwood Mac song search. I’ve realized that I’ve loaned Fleetwood Mac CD’s to friends who haven’t returned them, and left Fleetwood Mac CDs at home. So now I have one line of one song running through my head, and I can’t seem to find it. I knew this would happen.
I have more to say, but I’ve already killed an amazing amount of time searching for the perfect Fleetwood Mac song, and “Oliver Twist” must be read by tomorrow. The life of a student.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Fleetwood Mac

What does this have to do with the tile you say? Well, I decided to take something that I’m interested in, Fleetwood Mac, and make it apart of my blog. Here’s the plan: once a week I hope to write something Fleetwood Mac related, or review a Fleetwood Mac song. Just for the record, I’m considering Stevie Nicks as part of Fleetwood Mac, but I will also include some of her personal records in some of the topics. This not only provides a theme for my blog, but also gives me a chance to see how music has affected my life. As for you the reader, hopefully you will be entertained. If nothing else you’ll have proof as to what a huge dork I am.
A little Introduction:
Fleetwood Mac
A band that has served as friend, lover, and psychologist all in one, beginning with the first time I heard “Rhiannon.” Unfortunately, I’m a little young to have ever been apart of the Fleetwood Mac generation. I hopped on the Fleetwood Mac bandwagon at the very end of the band’s career. I missed the drugs, the crazy love affairs, and the wild concerts, but I’ve got the lasting music produced from such an erotic life style. Here’s the band.
Lindsey Buckingham: Singer and plays guitar
Stevie Nicks: Singer and plays the tambourine.
Mick Fleetwood: Drummer
Christine McVie: Keyboardist and singer
John McVie: Bassists
Hoofin’ for Habitat

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Introverted Feeling
Extraverted Sensing
Extraverted Intuition
Extraverted Thinking
It's amazing how well this fits me. I'll post more when I have time. I've already wasted the day on reading about the Myers-Briggs test. I must write my paper sometime.
Introverted Feeling
Extraverted Sensing
Extraverted Intuition
Extraverted Thinking
It's amazing how well this fits me. I'll post more when I have time. I've already wasted the day on reading about the Myers-Briggs test. I must write my paper sometime.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
What would you do if you were homeless?
If I were homeless I would live on a college campus. It’s the perfect place. You could hang out in the library. It’s open 24-7 Sunday through Thursday, closing at 10pm only on Friday and Saturday. The perfect solution, you would have a roof over your head, comfy chairs to lounge around and sleep on, and most importantly bathrooms are provided. For entertainment you have access to computers; you can chat with your buddies, play computer games, and keep up with the news. You could even create your own blog talking about being homeless in the library. And let’s not forget about all the great books you would have to read. All kinds of classics right there at the tip of your fingers, all you have to do is go and pull them off the shelf. As for taking a shower, well that’s not a problem. Just walk over to the school pool, anyone can go in because of the swim lessons and water aerobics classes, shower there. It’s a perfect plan.
Sadly it isn’t my idea. I usually go to the library a couple of times through out the week. Every time that I go, I see the same old lady there. I could be there at 8 in the morning or at 9 o’clock on a Friday night. It doesn’t matter, she’s always there. I’ve been seeing her since last semester for sure.
I’ve become very curious about her. I want to know where she goes when the library closes. And does she really live there? The other day she had some new prescription bags, along with all of her other junk. How did she get the perscriptions? Does she drive and have a car? I’ve often thought that maybe her son or daughter works there and she just comes in with them. I wonder if other people are as half as interested in her as I am. I dunno.
Sadly it isn’t my idea. I usually go to the library a couple of times through out the week. Every time that I go, I see the same old lady there. I could be there at 8 in the morning or at 9 o’clock on a Friday night. It doesn’t matter, she’s always there. I’ve been seeing her since last semester for sure.
I’ve become very curious about her. I want to know where she goes when the library closes. And does she really live there? The other day she had some new prescription bags, along with all of her other junk. How did she get the perscriptions? Does she drive and have a car? I’ve often thought that maybe her son or daughter works there and she just comes in with them. I wonder if other people are as half as interested in her as I am. I dunno.
Recap of Yesterday:
I listed my goals for getting in shape on September 7, 2005. Yesterday, I decided to check on my progress. So I went out and bought a stop watch and timed how long it took me to jog a mile.
9 MINTUES!!! My goal was 10 or under, so I made it! I attempted the 10 boy style push-ups, but it just wasn’t happening. I made it to #3 and pushed on through the 4th, but the 5th push-up almost killed me. It’s back to the easy style for a bit longer, at least until I can build up some arm muscle. I’ve got a start and that’s what counts.
Yesterday’s rant of the day: In my Bible class we had a take home test that consisted of two essays. It wasn’t bad. Our teacher was coming around picking up our essays, so I got mine out and put it on my desk. Here comes the rant. The girl sitting next to me proceeded to stain as far as she could out of her seat to read my paper. What the hell. If you want to read my paper why don’t you just ask?
9 MINTUES!!! My goal was 10 or under, so I made it! I attempted the 10 boy style push-ups, but it just wasn’t happening. I made it to #3 and pushed on through the 4th, but the 5th push-up almost killed me. It’s back to the easy style for a bit longer, at least until I can build up some arm muscle. I’ve got a start and that’s what counts.
Yesterday’s rant of the day: In my Bible class we had a take home test that consisted of two essays. It wasn’t bad. Our teacher was coming around picking up our essays, so I got mine out and put it on my desk. Here comes the rant. The girl sitting next to me proceeded to stain as far as she could out of her seat to read my paper. What the hell. If you want to read my paper why don’t you just ask?
Friday, September 23, 2005
“Wide Open Spaces”
As many of you know, lately I’ve been thinking about graduation and what that means for the future. Today I was driving home from shopping at Wal-mart for tailgating stuff and I had a moment. I think everyone has “moments,” as I like to call them. Times when your life is going really well, but you just get a little sad and the tears start flowing. If someone were to ask you what was wrong, you couldn’t say.
Thinking about the future and school coming to an end got me to thinking about how all of this started. I remember packing up my car, and my sister and me following my parents all the way to my new home, ABAC. Which, by-the-way, was 3.5 hours away from home and 4.5 hours away from my sister. This was the first time I had ever been completely without my sister. The first time I had ever had to stand on my own 2 feet. If I remember correctly, as my family was pulling out of the Chandler Hall parking lot (which no longer exist) everyone was crying.
Little did I know that, that fateful day would lead me to Statesboro, Georgia and Georgia Southern. If you had asked me back then if I were planning on going to GSU, I might have doubtfully said “It could happen.” Georgia Southern just wasn’t in my plan. I wanted to teach Horticulture, not English. Boy, how plans change and life takes over.
Now I’m an English major with an Irish minor, both of which I just fell into. I’m dating a great guy and looking into staying in, no other then Statesboro, Georgia. My how things change. I never thought the wide open spaces that I was searching for would lead to Statesboro, the home of… what? Nothing really, maybe the home of Georgia Southern.
I still have dreams. I want to go to Ireland. I want to continue my education. I’d like to have a family one day. The dreams I had when I was 18 and leaving home for the first time have evolved and changed to fit the life that I’m supposed to have. I’m happy with that. I’m glad that I have a free spirit that allows me to go where life takes me. So far it’s been fun, and I hope the adventures keep coming.
Thinking about the future and school coming to an end got me to thinking about how all of this started. I remember packing up my car, and my sister and me following my parents all the way to my new home, ABAC. Which, by-the-way, was 3.5 hours away from home and 4.5 hours away from my sister. This was the first time I had ever been completely without my sister. The first time I had ever had to stand on my own 2 feet. If I remember correctly, as my family was pulling out of the Chandler Hall parking lot (which no longer exist) everyone was crying.
Little did I know that, that fateful day would lead me to Statesboro, Georgia and Georgia Southern. If you had asked me back then if I were planning on going to GSU, I might have doubtfully said “It could happen.” Georgia Southern just wasn’t in my plan. I wanted to teach Horticulture, not English. Boy, how plans change and life takes over.
Now I’m an English major with an Irish minor, both of which I just fell into. I’m dating a great guy and looking into staying in, no other then Statesboro, Georgia. My how things change. I never thought the wide open spaces that I was searching for would lead to Statesboro, the home of… what? Nothing really, maybe the home of Georgia Southern.
I still have dreams. I want to go to Ireland. I want to continue my education. I’d like to have a family one day. The dreams I had when I was 18 and leaving home for the first time have evolved and changed to fit the life that I’m supposed to have. I’m happy with that. I’m glad that I have a free spirit that allows me to go where life takes me. So far it’s been fun, and I hope the adventures keep coming.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Can you make new friends?
In response to Sunnydale2005's question, "can you make new friends?":
That should be obvious, yes you can. Everyone does in life. Sometimes out of loneliness, a new location, a new job. You meet new people through friends, and then become friends. Life happens and most people just take it in stride. That sounds really easy and perfectly normal. The question at hand is can old friends and new friends mingle together?
I have to be optimistic and say yes. I am the outsider to a group of old friends. I was brought in by a significant other. When one becomes two the dynamic of a lot of situations change, friends included. The key to having a friend is being a friend.
Now here comes the negative side: Everyone has broken up with someone and lost friends because of the break up. It happens. The problem with becoming friends with the new significant other’s old friends is that you know deep down that they are his friends. The 5 months you’ve known them is nothing compared to the 10 to 15 years he has known them.
<-- Blair and Kelley... and above, me getting the shot. Part of the big group of friends and hopeful friends...
My theory as of recently has been to stop worrying about it. People will either like you or they won’t. I have to admit I’m a bit scared. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life at social engagements where no one cares what’s happening in my life. It would be nice to have “our” friends and not just his friends.
So I have to say that I think it can be done. Old friends can make new friends. New people can become apart of the old group. Life changes, people have to change with it.

I have to be optimistic and say yes. I am the outsider to a group of old friends. I was brought in by a significant other. When one becomes two the dynamic of a lot of situations change, friends included. The key to having a friend is being a friend.
Now here comes the negative side: Everyone has broken up with someone and lost friends because of the break up. It happens. The problem with becoming friends with the new significant other’s old friends is that you know deep down that they are his friends. The 5 months you’ve known them is nothing compared to the 10 to 15 years he has known them.

My theory as of recently has been to stop worrying about it. People will either like you or they won’t. I have to admit I’m a bit scared. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life at social engagements where no one cares what’s happening in my life. It would be nice to have “our” friends and not just his friends.
So I have to say that I think it can be done. Old friends can make new friends. New people can become apart of the old group. Life changes, people have to change with it.
Friday, September 16, 2005
I love having a sister that’s exactly my age!
I miss my best friend. For those of you who don’t know I have a twin sister who is studying abroad in Mexico this semester. You say “She’s only gone… for what 6 months. Big deal,” I say, have you shared every single important event in your life with another person? Probably not, but I have. From pre-school up until we left for separate colleges, we’ve been together. She’s been there when parents couldn’t, boyfriends wouldn’t and friends weren’t.
I’m at the time of my life when I need her the most. I have so many questions to ask her and thoughts to share with her, but I just can’t call her up. She’s gone out of the country before. What did I do then? I just called up her cell phone and left her several long messages. She was only gone for two weeks, tops. But 6 months! Good grief, what am I to do?
I found a way!
I’ve had the chance to chat with her on aim. It just isn’t the same as hearing her voice. Luckily, I’ve downloaded a program called Skype that will allow us to talk for free. I’m one microphone away from talking to my sister! I can’t wait.
I’m at the time of my life when I need her the most. I have so many questions to ask her and thoughts to share with her, but I just can’t call her up. She’s gone out of the country before. What did I do then? I just called up her cell phone and left her several long messages. She was only gone for two weeks, tops. But 6 months! Good grief, what am I to do?
I found a way!
I’ve had the chance to chat with her on aim. It just isn’t the same as hearing her voice. Luckily, I’ve downloaded a program called Skype that will allow us to talk for free. I’m one microphone away from talking to my sister! I can’t wait.
The Future looms near.
This week I’ve done the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to do my entire college career.
Apply for graduation!
I’ve always had a plan, even just a temporary plan of sorts. When I graduated high school, I went to college and earned my associates. After that I immediately jumped right into a four year program. Now that I’ve run out of classes to take, graduating is inevitable. I’m at a loss. Do I take the praxis and try teaching for a year? What about the GRE, and my hopes for getting my masters in Library Science. Can I just keep going to school? It would be so nice just to worry about the next set of classes that I need to take.
There are so many students who are ready to be out of school, making money. I want to make money too. It would be nice to be financially independent. My parents would be so proud. I just don’t know what to do, or even how to go about doing it. My poor boyfriend, he just had to catch me when my life is in such a state of flux. Hopefully, within the next few weeks I’ll have some sort of plan in action. Until then stressed out frantic phone calls will be made to my parents and my-oh- so understanding boyfriend.
Apply for graduation!
I’ve always had a plan, even just a temporary plan of sorts. When I graduated high school, I went to college and earned my associates. After that I immediately jumped right into a four year program. Now that I’ve run out of classes to take, graduating is inevitable. I’m at a loss. Do I take the praxis and try teaching for a year? What about the GRE, and my hopes for getting my masters in Library Science. Can I just keep going to school? It would be so nice just to worry about the next set of classes that I need to take.
There are so many students who are ready to be out of school, making money. I want to make money too. It would be nice to be financially independent. My parents would be so proud. I just don’t know what to do, or even how to go about doing it. My poor boyfriend, he just had to catch me when my life is in such a state of flux. Hopefully, within the next few weeks I’ll have some sort of plan in action. Until then stressed out frantic phone calls will be made to my parents and my-oh- so understanding boyfriend.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Things I learned at my first Georgia Southern game.
1.You never ever, ever, ever, ever say “I think were going to lose” even if we do.
2.If your Georgia Southern t-shirt is not navy blue, you will be ridiculed. All day people will say “That’s not a Georgia Southern t-shirt!” Doesn’t matter if it says Georgia Southern on it or not.
3.People become obnoxiously drunk and yell at each other. Just hope you aren’t in the firing zone getting a coke.
4.Obsessing over too many people bringing the same thing to the tailgate ( i.e. potato salad) is a waste of time. No one is going to bring it anyway.
5.You must stand up the entire game. This is actually very fun. Although, I don’t recommend jumping on those benches. Sometimes you end up jumping right off. This can be a bit of a shock: to you and the person in front of you.
6.You must take huge gulps of alcoholic drink while waiting to get into the stadium. This is very handy in keeping the buzz going.
7.Remember to bring water. It is a necessity.
8.Do not forget student ID
I have to say that my first Georgia Southern football game Rocked! Even though we lost, I couldn’t have picked a better team to lose to. The Cowboys really needed a morale booster. For those of you who don’t know, McNeese State is a team from Louisiana. A lot of the players had family in New Orleans, and the only things they had left were the things that they took to school with them. Football kept them going.
Overall, I think Georgia Southern football games are going to be something that the Sports Writer and I can do together. Georgia Southern is now our team.

2.If your Georgia Southern t-shirt is not navy blue, you will be ridiculed. All day people will say “That’s not a Georgia Southern t-shirt!” Doesn’t matter if it says Georgia Southern on it or not.
3.People become obnoxiously drunk and yell at each other. Just hope you aren’t in the firing zone getting a coke.
4.Obsessing over too many people bringing the same thing to the tailgate ( i.e. potato salad) is a waste of time. No one is going to bring it anyway.
5.You must stand up the entire game. This is actually very fun. Although, I don’t recommend jumping on those benches. Sometimes you end up jumping right off. This can be a bit of a shock: to you and the person in front of you.
6.You must take huge gulps of alcoholic drink while waiting to get into the stadium. This is very handy in keeping the buzz going.
7.Remember to bring water. It is a necessity.
8.Do not forget student ID

Overall, I think Georgia Southern football games are going to be something that the Sports Writer and I can do together. Georgia Southern is now our team.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Georgia Southern Football!
Tomorrow I will be experiencing my first Georgia Southern football game. To say I’m not excited would be a lie. I am! I’m washing my one and only GSU t-shirt as I’m typing this. Which, by-the-way, was a recent purchase to jump start my growing school spirit.
A little back ground information: I’m working on my last year of my four year degree. Yes, yes I am a 5th year college student. It’s not so bad. I attended a two year school where I earned my associates degree in Agriculture. I had intentions of continuing on in the agriculture field, but at the last minute switched to English. Clemson soon turned into Georgia Southern. eeh, it happens. I’ve been here in Statesboro for about a year and half. This December makes 2 solid years. I have yet to fully attend a Georgia Southern football game. Tomorrow is a BIG DEAL!
Now dating an avid Georgia Southern fan, who happens to be a sports writer, I think it’s time for me to see what all the fun is about. I’ve done a little background work. I went to Eagle Ladies Locker Room to pick up a few tips. All I really learned was how to drink beer. Apparently, that’s all part of the game. I’ve got beer drinking down, now I can tailgate. Luckily, the Reflector (news-paper published once a month by GSU students) published a handy article called “Football for Dummies”. Now I have a slight understanding of the game. What this article failed to inform me of were all the traditions that go with the game. Who knew you had to get up at 9 AM and have breakfast with your buddies. Good grief Saturday is a day for sleep. The game doesn’t even start until 6. I don’t even understand all of this about tailgating in spot #13-7, or whatever spot. I got the look for asking questions on that one. As if I understand all the nuances that pertain to this pre-game stuff.
Anyway, I’m super excited about tomorrow’s game. (Don’t ask who we’re playing, I have no clue) I’m really just excited to get to experience something that my boyfriend loves. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that I like it.
A little back ground information: I’m working on my last year of my four year degree. Yes, yes I am a 5th year college student. It’s not so bad. I attended a two year school where I earned my associates degree in Agriculture. I had intentions of continuing on in the agriculture field, but at the last minute switched to English. Clemson soon turned into Georgia Southern. eeh, it happens. I’ve been here in Statesboro for about a year and half. This December makes 2 solid years. I have yet to fully attend a Georgia Southern football game. Tomorrow is a BIG DEAL!
Now dating an avid Georgia Southern fan, who happens to be a sports writer, I think it’s time for me to see what all the fun is about. I’ve done a little background work. I went to Eagle Ladies Locker Room to pick up a few tips. All I really learned was how to drink beer. Apparently, that’s all part of the game. I’ve got beer drinking down, now I can tailgate. Luckily, the Reflector (news-paper published once a month by GSU students) published a handy article called “Football for Dummies”. Now I have a slight understanding of the game. What this article failed to inform me of were all the traditions that go with the game. Who knew you had to get up at 9 AM and have breakfast with your buddies. Good grief Saturday is a day for sleep. The game doesn’t even start until 6. I don’t even understand all of this about tailgating in spot #13-7, or whatever spot. I got the look for asking questions on that one. As if I understand all the nuances that pertain to this pre-game stuff.
Anyway, I’m super excited about tomorrow’s game. (Don’t ask who we’re playing, I have no clue) I’m really just excited to get to experience something that my boyfriend loves. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that I like it.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Get in Shape
After months of shopping for tennis shoes I finally found an acceptable pair. I liked them so much that I bought two! Hey, if you were a size 6 and had been looking for tennis shoes since April and you finally found the perfect pair you would have bought 2 as well. Now that I have my new kicks I’ve run out of excuses for not getting in shape.
When I started dating my present boyfriend I was a good 12lbs lighter. That’s right I’ve put on 12 solid pounds of comfort weight. AHHHH I’m disgusted just thinking about it. The jeans that I met Scott in, I can no longer get in.
1. Get back in jeans that I wore 4 months ago.
2. Look hotter then the Hooter’s Girls (check out Highly Sophisticated Rednecks and you will understand)
3. Be able to jog a mile in 10 minutes or under. (Hey, I’m short and outta shape lets not push things. 10 minutes is just fine)
4. Increase general good heath…. Stay away from the brownies! Bananas are good!
5. Be able to do 10 boy style push ups
6. Get rid of teacher wobble.
7. Stay away from the cigarettes.
8. Look hot by October so that I can dress super sexy for Halloween!
I’ll keep you posted.
When I started dating my present boyfriend I was a good 12lbs lighter. That’s right I’ve put on 12 solid pounds of comfort weight. AHHHH I’m disgusted just thinking about it. The jeans that I met Scott in, I can no longer get in.

2. Look hotter then the Hooter’s Girls (check out Highly Sophisticated Rednecks and you will understand)
3. Be able to jog a mile in 10 minutes or under. (Hey, I’m short and outta shape lets not push things. 10 minutes is just fine)
4. Increase general good heath…. Stay away from the brownies! Bananas are good!
5. Be able to do 10 boy style push ups
6. Get rid of teacher wobble.
7. Stay away from the cigarettes.
8. Look hot by October so that I can dress super sexy for Halloween!
I’ll keep you posted.
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