Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007

This morning I woke up feeling refreshed and happy. My sister is in town with her boyfriend and my husband was snuggling next to me. Although, going to work on New Years Eve really sucks I felt pretty happy. I jumped in the shower. I don’t know about you but the shower seems to be where I have all of my greatest thoughts, such as they are. So as the water poured out I remember that when I through away my favorite jeans: the ones with the hole in the crotch and the beginning of a hole on my butt. I had thrown away my Belk Gift Card. My $11 dollar gift card was in the dumpster!

You see, yesterday I had frantically been cleaning up my tiny apartment because my sister and her boyfriend were coming to spend New Years with us. In my haste I said I love these ten dollar Express jeans from Good Will, but they have Got To Go-- You know the holes and all. So I chunked them. One less thing to wash! YeePee and then I asked my husband to take out the garbage.

He did… and this is why I found myself at 7:55 am racing to the dumpster. I don’t know about you but I have to work One Whole Hour for Eleven dollars and I’ve had my eye on two Beau-t-ful brown towels at Belk that only cost $8.00. That $ll.00 would cover taxes too!

So I fished around in the dumpster. Jumping around and yelling “If there are any rats around please don’t let me see you!” Finally, I ran back to my apartment begged my husband to help. While promising to bonk me on the head if the card wasn’t in my jean pocket he fished out the ten dollar express jeans and I got my $11.00 Belk gift card! Brown towels here I come.

And that is how I started my last day of 2007.