Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Yesterday my co-workers said that I was Vanilla: as in style, personality my over presentation of myself. Within the first 3 seconds I immediately thought “No I’m not!” but then I looked down at my brown linen pants with my plain cranberry top and realized “Yes I am.” And then I realized that I was okay with being Vanilla. I rather like being Vanilla. In fact, I’ve never been more accepting and comfortable in my own skin before. I like myself and I have far fewer moments of the “Why the hell did I say that?” or the “Why do I have to be socially retarded?” So this morning when I put on my old trusty Kicks with yet another pair of tan linen pants with an equally boring pink shirt I thought bring on Vanilla and bring on ME.

Jogging update: Being sick put a crimp in my training schedule. I’ve been really disappointed about not being able to be active. I also found that I’m grumpier and I eat SO much more when I haven’t worked out. Such is life. (that’s a Grandmother saying :)) Hopefully, I’ll feel up to a short run tomorrow.

Oh Yeah, I don’t talk about work here but my Harry Potter program went really well! I had to share.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Training: Novice

Well, I’m starting my second week of training. If I follow my 12-week guide I should be ready to run my first Half Marathon by October the 6th: the Saturday before the wedding. Too bad I have to work that Saturday. And yes I know that GSU has a home game, but it was work that Saturday or not get to go to my own wedding.

This week I’ll be adding strength training along with cross training. And on this new training schedule I’ll only have 1 day of rest every other day is filled with running, cross training or strength training. It’s a pretty interesting schedule and should keep me on my toes. I’m thinking about getting my bike up and running and using it as my cross. I’m really not much of a swimmer but that might be fun or at least a change.

For my running update: I did 4 miles on Saturday in 35:02. My goal was 5 miles, but just walking home was a chore after those first 4. I did try to jog a little on the way back.

I did go see Harry Potter this weekend! And my study is kinda clean. I’m sorry that my blog revolves around all this jogging stuff. At least I’m posting again!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Old Dirty Kicks

My college friend Mitzi and I were talking about the Nike Sport and because she lives 5 hours hours away she asked me to post a picture of my Tennis Shoes with the Runner's Pouch. So there you have it folks. At least you can't smell them.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I am so jealous! Georgia Southern is serving Watermelon on Sweetheart Circle today and I’m going to miss it. All of you students or if you work on Campus: “Eat some for me!” ah I guess this is what happens when you collect a regular paycheck.

Not much else is happening in this little corner of the web. Jogging update: I'm number 317 out of 558 in my beginners challenge.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Today's morning jog SUCKED! I'm starting over NOW! It's going to be good day!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I’m surprised of myself.

Kelley, I’m sure you have heard about all of this from your sister. This is my disclaimer on how boring you might find this post!

Ok, last Sunday I bought the Nike + iPod Sport Kit. The only problem is you have to buy the very expensive Nike shoes that the Kit works with. Luckily, this company Grantwood Technology created the handy Sport Pouch for only $6.99. The down side: you have to order it online and wait a week for it to arrive, especially during a holiday week.

But it came yesterday! And it ROCKED! Seriously, this is the coolest jogging tool EVER. I realized that the loop that I thought was 2 miles is really 3. 3 Miles! I’ve been trying for weeks to jog at least 2 miles and I’ve been doing it the entire time and didn’t know it. Now that is an increase in the self-esteem area.

My one mistake that I did make yesterday was I tool my dog Dez along. Boy was she freaking SLOW! She trailed along behind as far as her leash would let her. And yes I do understand the potty breaks, but still I wanted an accurate view of my time. On the plus side she kept me company and I’ll probably keep taking her with me. I think with the proper jogging leash she can be great. Hehehe It was starting to storm yesterday and we had a huge crack of thunder Man you have never seen that dog take off so fast. I was like “Now that’s what I’m taking about!” At least I know she has it in her.

The other cool feature about the Nike + iPod is that it not only keeps up with your times, distances, calories burned all on your iPod, but you can log on to and keep a record of all your runs, sign up for challenges with other people and set goals for yourself. I signed up for this Beginners challenge for the month of July. Already someone has invited me to take part in her challenge. It’s pretty freaking cool.

I think the handiest part of the Nike + iPod (I’m just going to call it Nike Sport from here on out) is that it counted down my miles. There is nothing more encouraging then hearing “300 meters left”, Well Hell Yeah I can do that. It does the same if you set it for time or whatever you want.

Anyway, I'm happy that a friend recommended it to me and I definitely recommend it to anyone who jogs or thinks they want to. It works for walkers t0.