Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Get in Shape

After months of shopping for tennis shoes I finally found an acceptable pair. I liked them so much that I bought two! Hey, if you were a size 6 and had been looking for tennis shoes since April and you finally found the perfect pair you would have bought 2 as well. Now that I have my new kicks I’ve run out of excuses for not getting in shape.
When I started dating my present boyfriend I was a good 12lbs lighter. That’s right I’ve put on 12 solid pounds of comfort weight. AHHHH I’m disgusted just thinking about it. The jeans that I met Scott in, I can no longer get in.

1. Get back in jeans that I wore 4 months ago.
2. Look hotter then the Hooter’s Girls (check out Highly Sophisticated Rednecks and you will understand)
3. Be able to jog a mile in 10 minutes or under. (Hey, I’m short and outta shape lets not push things. 10 minutes is just fine)
4. Increase general good heath…. Stay away from the brownies! Bananas are good!
5. Be able to do 10 boy style push ups
6. Get rid of teacher wobble.
7. Stay away from the cigarettes.
8. Look hot by October so that I can dress super sexy for Halloween!

I’ll keep you posted.

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