2.If your Georgia Southern t-shirt is not navy blue, you will be ridiculed. All day people will say “That’s not a Georgia Southern t-shirt!” Doesn’t matter if it says Georgia Southern on it or not.
3.People become obnoxiously drunk and yell at each other. Just hope you aren’t in the firing zone getting a coke.
4.Obsessing over too many people bringing the same thing to the tailgate ( i.e. potato salad) is a waste of time. No one is going to bring it anyway.
5.You must stand up the entire game. This is actually very fun. Although, I don’t recommend jumping on those benches. Sometimes you end up jumping right off. This can be a bit of a shock: to you and the person in front of you.
6.You must take huge gulps of alcoholic drink while waiting to get into the stadium. This is very handy in keeping the buzz going.
7.Remember to bring water. It is a necessity.
8.Do not forget student ID

Overall, I think Georgia Southern football games are going to be something that the Sports Writer and I can do together. Georgia Southern is now our team.
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