An important number really, at least in my life. 13.5 inches is the amount of hair that I donated to Locks of Love. I’m now sporting a sexy new ‘do As I was sitting in the chair at the beauty shop I decided: 1. That I didn’t want to be one of those women that have the same hair style for a decade 2. I wanted to do my part to help cancer victims. 3. Long hair is freaking boring.
I know, I know I haven’t been posting regularly and according to Liquid Courage I have no excuse. School has been out for a while now. But I do have a few good excuses: 1. My sister is

home from Mexico and we’ve been spending tons of time together 2. I’m doing tons of reading. 3. I’m sorta studying for the GRE, or at least I brought the book home with me 4. I’m sleeping a ton. 5. I got my hair cut! All that combined plus Mom and Dad’s crappy internet equals no blogging.
My reading list (so far):
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Stand by Stephen King (Scott and my sister love this book so It’s now on my list)
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (I read this every Christmas. It’s become my tradition)
A few Spanish cuss words I’ve picked up from Becca:
no pinches mames
El pinche raton
Se chinga tu madre
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