I’ve been a blogger, well ever since I’ve been in college, so that’s about 5 years now. “100 things about me” seems to be a popular thing among blogspot bloggers, and well since I’ve joined the blogspot bandwagon it seems only right that I do what the blogspot bloggers do. After reading you might find that I’m a pretty boring person, and you would be right. Hopefully, for those that don’t know me quite so well, you’ll have a little better insight into what makes me me. Plus this is an easy way to get back in the groove of blogging.
100. I’m a Georgia Southern student.
99. English major with and a minor in Irish studies.
98. I stink at writing and grammar, but I do try.
97. I believe that anyone who can speak can write, no matter how badly. So, I guess there is hope for me.
96. I earned my associates degree from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.
95. My first major was Agricultural Education. I wanted to teach Horticulture on the High School level.
94. From age 15 until I graduated High School I worked at The Greenhouse Nursery and Landscape Design.
93. Before that I worked with my Dad on his landscaping crew. I can spread pine straw with the best of them.
While at ABAC I took Animal Practicum where I learned:
92. How to collect semen from: a bull and a boar
91. How to castrate a bull.
90. How to brand cows.
89. How to tag cows, and I can give them shots correctly.
88. Check to see if a cow is pregnant.
Disclaimer: I did all of these procedures in the classroom setting with an instructor present, and I haven’t done any of these things since.
87. I love plants.
86. My apartment is full of them.
85. I can’t wait to have my own yard so that I can landscape it.
84. I love reading, I have since I was a child. My favorite thing was to escape into a book. My sister and I spent many summers checking out books at the Library and then devouring them at home. There is nothing better then wiling away the summer in a good book.
82. It should be no surprise that I want to get my master degree in Library Science.
81. I have 4 more classes remaining at Georgia Southern University.
80. Spanish is one of those classes
79. I have a fraternal twin sister.
78. Yes, that means that we do not look alike.
77. She is tall with dirty blond hair.
76. Our eyes are both blue, but different shades of blue.
75. We do have the same smile, or so I’ve been told.
74. We had an older brother who was killed in a car accident.
73. My sister’s name is Rebecca
72. She has traveled all over the world. Mexico was her latest trip.
71. I’ve been to Wisconsin and that was for one bad trip that lasted one day.
70. I went traveled to Wisconsin to see Phish, but never made it to the show.
69. Wisconsin is the farthest I’ve ever been from home.
68. Currently, I am trying to read The Stand. It isn’t going so well and I may give up soon.
67. My all time Favorite band is, by far, Fleetwood Mac.
66. Stevie Nicks is my all time favorite singer/poet.
65. My favorite Stevie Nick’s song is If you ever did Believe. This song can be found on the Practical Magic soundtrack.
64. I love Nancy Grace. (You might know her from Larry King Live, and she now has her own show on Court TV. Grace is a lawyer from Atlanta, she is outspoken and I like it.)
63. I read Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol every year at Christmas time.
62. My favorite character is Tiny Tim.
61. My favorite John Wayne movie is McLintock.
60. My favorite movie is Bridget Jones’ Diary.
59. Sometimes I feel like I have Bridget Jones’ public speaking skills; in other words verbal vomit.
Things that I love:
58. snugglizing with my boyfriend
57. Fireflies because they look like fire works in the woods. Much better then in a jar!
56. Movies that transport me to a magical land.
55. My sister
54. My Mama
53. My Daddy
52. Going home after being away for a long, long time.
51. My parent’s drive way is ½ mile long.
50. My sister and my Dad totaled their cars in that very same drive.
49. I can be reclusive at times.
48. I love escaping into a good novel.
47. I’m guilty of reading romance novels. (I apologize to my English major friends)
46. I’m guilty of watching CMT and I actually like country music. I can’t help it, it’s part of my roots. I grew up on it.
45. I saw the Dukes of Hazard in the theater.
44. I make homemade cards. (Alison, if you e-mail me your new address I’ll mail you a homemade house-warming card.)
43. I had a horse named Lucky growing up.
42. Lucky bit my sister on the knee while she was on her horse Sugar.
41. My favorite football player is Peyton Manning.
40. A.P. is right up there with Manning.
39. Sometimes I cry for no reason.
38. My favorite food is pickle and chip sandwiches.
37. I’m addicted to chap stick. Any kind will do for me. It’s in my genes everyone in my family carries a stick in their pocket. My Maw-Maw (my great grandmother) kept at least 3 tubes next to her bed at all times.
36. I’m afraid of the middle-age bulge.
35. I’m afraid of losing my dreams.
34. I want to travel to Ireland.
33. My boyfriend is 33 years old.
32. I want him to go to Ireland with me. I want to share my dreams with him.
31. I’m a hippie at heart.
30. I donated my hair to Locks of Love.
29. I wear glasses.
28. I love fresh chocolate chip cookies.
27. I enjoy smoking. There is something so nice about just being able to go outside and sitting on the porch and smoking a cigarette. Unhealthy yes.
26. My first love is now married with a kid on the way.
25. My parents have been married for 25 years.
24. I have to workout and watch what I eat to fight the fat gene.
23. My birthday is April 7th
22. I’m 22 years old.
21. So if you were doing the math that means that I’m currently 11 years younger then my boyfriend.
20. One day I will quit the cancer stick for good.
19. I love dancing in my room all alone.
18. My current boyfriend is the only boyfriend I have ever farted in front of. That’s true love!
17. My Favorite TV shows are: The Golden Girls, Murder, She Wrote, Matlock, Gilmore Girls and Smallville.
16. Scott just reminded me that I know how to Arc weld. This was an ABAC class.
15. I would defiantly need a refresher course on the welding, but I’m pretty sure that it would come back pretty quickly. I was just as good, if not better then some of the boys in my class.
14. My roommate and I made picture frames in welding class.
13. I love walking around naked.
12. Underwear is my favorite thing to buy. I love pretty panties.
11. I love family dinners. That’s one thing that I’ve missed in college.
10. I love the way paper whites smell.
9. Tulips and Zinnias are my favorite flower.
8. I stink at spelling
7. I love spell check
6. When I’m mad or upset with someone I find it hard to look him or her in the eye.
5. I think a person’s soul is reflected in their eyes.
4. I laugh really loud.
3. I’m a Christian.
2. I went horseback riding today! It rocked! I haven’t felt this happy in a long time.
1. Most importantly I’m happy with the person that I’ve become, with the choices that I’ve made thus far, and with the life that is mine!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005

I know, I know I haven’t been posting regularly and according to Liquid Courage I have no excuse. School has been out for a while now. But I do have a few good excuses: 1. My sister is

My reading list (so far):
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Stand by Stephen King (Scott and my sister love this book so It’s now on my list)
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (I read this every Christmas. It’s become my tradition)
A few Spanish cuss words I’ve picked up from Becca:
no pinches mames
El pinche raton
Se chinga tu madre
Friday, December 02, 2005
My List Revisited
I decided that if Scott could revisit his so could I. And yes I know that he was only able to revisit his list because it was near his birthday. Isn’t the rule you can change your list on your Birthday and on New Years? But because I have yet to complete my list, the rules don’t apply to me.
Scott recently bought a slew of DVDs which at first, I have to admit, I turned my nose up at. Why would I want TV on DVD? But then I realized the benefits to TV on DVD. You can watch episodes anytime, when ever it’s convenient for you and you can start from the very first episode. Plus there are no commercials! What more could you ask for?
We started off with “The West Wing”. Watching “The West Wing” has sentimental value for me because my grandmother, also known as Nanny, used to watch this show all the time. It does seem odd watching my dead grandmother’s favorite show, but now I understand her fascination with the show. It’s kinda like listening to a song that reminds you of someone special. There isn’t anything odd or creepy about that. “The West Wing” simply reminds me of my Nanny and I like that.
This brings me to the DVD that inspired my last and final celebrity pick: “Smallville”. The WB has done it again, no wonder their ratings are up. “Smallville” is awesome and on the 5th season, I believe, it could be the 6th. “Smallville” provides the back story on Superman. The WB’s interpretation of the Superman mythology has Clark Kent leaning how to control his powers and Lex Luther is actually a nice guy, at least in the first season. Not only is Lex Luther a good guy but he is freaking HOT!
Which brings me to my last and final pick: Michael Rosenbaum!

Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luther is about 90% of why I like “Smallville.” What more could a girl ask for? Lex Luther is Hot! He’s Sexy! He’s Wealthy! And he’s the biggest BADASS in town! And in Scott’s favor he’s bald.
My List is complete!
Scott recently bought a slew of DVDs which at first, I have to admit, I turned my nose up at. Why would I want TV on DVD? But then I realized the benefits to TV on DVD. You can watch episodes anytime, when ever it’s convenient for you and you can start from the very first episode. Plus there are no commercials! What more could you ask for?
We started off with “The West Wing”. Watching “The West Wing” has sentimental value for me because my grandmother, also known as Nanny, used to watch this show all the time. It does seem odd watching my dead grandmother’s favorite show, but now I understand her fascination with the show. It’s kinda like listening to a song that reminds you of someone special. There isn’t anything odd or creepy about that. “The West Wing” simply reminds me of my Nanny and I like that.
This brings me to the DVD that inspired my last and final celebrity pick: “Smallville”. The WB has done it again, no wonder their ratings are up. “Smallville” is awesome and on the 5th season, I believe, it could be the 6th. “Smallville” provides the back story on Superman. The WB’s interpretation of the Superman mythology has Clark Kent leaning how to control his powers and Lex Luther is actually a nice guy, at least in the first season. Not only is Lex Luther a good guy but he is freaking HOT!
Which brings me to my last and final pick: Michael Rosenbaum!

Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luther is about 90% of why I like “Smallville.” What more could a girl ask for? Lex Luther is Hot! He’s Sexy! He’s Wealthy! And he’s the biggest BADASS in town! And in Scott’s favor he’s bald.
My List is complete!
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